
main() Function

Include Files

Preprocessor directives:

Directive Description
#include "mine.h" Search current working directory first.
#include <stdio.h> Search command line directory, then the system.
#define TRUE 1 Macro substitution, usually use capitals.
#define min(a,b) Macro substitution with parameters.
#define abs(a) Macro substitution.
#define note /* comment */ This comment gets inserted every time note appears.
backslash \ at end of a line Means continue the line.
#undef TRUE Undefines a previously defined macro name.
#error Stop compiling at this point.
#if expression Conditional compilation, starts an if structure.
#elif expression Else if expression != 0, compile the following code.
#else Else, compile the following code.
#endif End of conditional compiling.
#ifdef macroname Like #if, compiles if macroname is defined.
#ifndef macroname Like #if, compiles if macroname is undefined.
#line number [filename] Set the origin for __LINE__ and __FILE__.
#pragma Gives the compiler commands.

Create and execute a program

In Linux systems:

1. Open up a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T)

2. Create the program: nano nameProgram.c

3. Write the program and save it

4. gcc -o nameExecutable nameProgram.c  (eg: gcc -o nameProgram_output nameProgram.c)

Reserved words (32)

Term Description
auto Optional local declaration
break Used to exit a loop and used to exit a switch statement
case Choice in a switch statement
char Basic declaration of a type character
const Prefix declaration meaning the variable cannot be changed
continue Go to the bottom of a loop in for, while, and do loops
default Optional last case of a switch statement
do Executable statement, do-while loop
double Basic declaration of double precision floating point
else Executable statement, part of an “if” structure
enum Basic declaration of enumeration type
extern Prefix declaration meaning the variable is defined externally
float Basic declaration of floating point
for Executable statement, for loop
goto Jump within a function to a label
if Executable statement
int Basic declaration of an integer
long Prefix declaration applying to many types
register Prefix declaration meaning to keep a variable in a register
return Executable statement with or without a value
short Prefix declaration applying to many types
signed Prefix declaration applying to some types
sizeof Operator applying to variables and types, gives size in bytes
static Prefix declaration to make a local variable static
struct Declaration of a structure, like a record
switch Executable statement for cases
typedef Creates a new type name for an existing type
union Declaration of variables that share the same memory locations
unsigned Prefix declaration applying to some types
void Declaration of a typeless variable
volatile Prefix declaration meaning the variable can be changed at any time
while Executable statement, while loop or do-while loop

Basic types

Type Description
char Character type, usually one byte (a string is an array of char)
int Integer type, usually 2 or 4 bytes (default)
float Floating-point type, usually 4 bytes
double Floating-point type, usually 8 bytes
void No type, typeless
enum Enumeration type (user defines the type name)

Type modifiers, prefix for basic types

Modifier Description
signed Has a sign (default)
unsigned No sign bit in the variable
long Longer version of a type (e.g., long int)
short Shorter version of a type (e.g., short int)
const Variable cannot be modified or stored into

Storage Types

Prefix Description
auto Local variable (default)
static Permanent, exists beyond function scope (not auto)
volatile Can change from external influences
extern Variables are defined elsewhere, externally
register Suggests that the variable should be stored in a register if possible


Operator Description
( ) Grouping parenthesis, function call
[ ] Array indexing, also [ ][ ] etc.
-> Selector, structure pointer
. Select structure element
! Relational not, complement, !a yields true or false
~ Bitwise not, ones complement, ~a
++ Increment, pre or post to a variable
-- Decrement, pre or post to a variable
- Unary minus, -a
+ Unary plus, +a
* Indirect, the value of a pointer, *p is the value at pointer p address
& The memory address, &b is the memory address of variable b
sizeof Size in bytes, sizeof a or sizeof (int)
(type) Cast, explicit type conversion, (float)i, (*fun)(a, b), (int*)x
* Multiply, a * b
/ Divide, a / b
% Modulo, a % b
+ Add, a + b
- Subtract, a - b
<< Shift left, left operand is shifted left by right operand bits
>> Shift right, left operand is shifted right by right operand bits
< Less than, result is true or false, a < b
<= Less than or equal, result is true or false, a <= b
> Greater than, result is true or false, a > b
>= Greater than or equal, result is true or false, a >= b
== Equal, result is true or false, a == b
!= Not equal, result is true or false, a != b
& Bitwise and, a & b
^ Bitwise exclusive or, a ^ b
| Bitwise or, a | b
&& Relational and, result is true or false, a < b && c >= d
| | Relational or, result is true or false, a < b | | c >= d
? Ternary conditional, exp1 ? exp2 : exp3, result is exp2 if exp1 is not 0, else result is exp3
= Store
+= Add and store
-= Subtract and store
*= Multiply and store
/= Divide and store
%= Modulo and store
<<= Shift left and store
>>= Shift right and store
&= Bitwise and and store
^= Bitwise exclusive or and store
| = Bitwise or and store
, Separator, as in (y = x, z = ++x)

Operator precedence

More precedence

Associativity Operators
LR ( ), [ ], ->, ., x++, x--
RL !, ~, -, +, ++x, --x, *, &, sizeof (type)
LR *, /, %
LR +, -
LR <<, >>
LR <, <=, >, >=
LR ==, !=
LR &
LR ^
LR |
LR &&
LR | |
RL ? :
RL =, +=, -= ,*=, /=, %=, >>=, <<=, &=, ^=, |=
LR ,

Less precedence

Conditional Branching

if ( condition ) statement ;
else statement_2 ;            /* optional  else  clause */

Switch statement

switch ( expression )      /* constants must be unique */
      case constant_1:       /* do nothing for this case */
      case constant_2:       /* drop through and do same constant_3 */
      case constant_3:
         statement_sequence  /* can have but does not need  { } */
      case constant_4:
         statement_sequence  /* does this and next statement_sequence also*/
      case constant_5:
      default:               /* default executes if no constant equals*/
         statement_sequence  /* the expression. This is optional */